ChainDD Partners with The Wallstreet Largest Chinese Finance Association in Blockchain


Nov 12, 2018

摘要: The strategic partnership between ChainDD and TCFA FinTech & Blockchain Institute was announced at The Chinese Finance Association’s (TCFA) 24th annual conference held at New York Marriott Marquis Hotel on November 11, 2018.

The strategic partnership between ChainDD and TCFA FinTech & Blockchain Institute was announced at The Chinese Finance Association’s (TCFA) 24th annual conference held at New York Marriott Marquis Hotel on November 11, 2018.

The Chinese Finance Association’s (TCFA) 24th annual conference was held successfully at New York Marriott Marquis Hotel on November 11, 2018. TCFA was founded as a non-profit organization in 1994 with the goal to facilitate the exchange of ideas, knowledge and information on education, research and practice in finance and related areas between the US and China. Headquartered in New York, it has grown to over 6,000 members globally with chapters in Boston, Washington DC, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Charlotte, Toronto, London, Tokyo, Singapore, Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen.

There were almost one thousand financial professionals mainly from wall street firms attending this biggest event hosted by TCFA. Around its theme of “U.S.-China Relationship Rollercoaster and Blockchain-Crypto Turbulence”,the keynote speakers like Henry Fernandez , Chairman and CEO of MSCI, Craig Allen, President of the US-China Business Council, Merit Janow, Dean of School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) at Columbia University, and Feng Xiao, Chairman and CEO of WanXiang Blockchain Co. shared their views of global economic outlook, globalization, US-China relationship and financial innovation.

In May 2018 TCFA launched FinTech & Blockchain Institute as an interdisciplinary global platform to promote idea and knowledge exchange among experts from Industry, Academia, Regulatory Bodies, Startups and Investors in the FinTech and Blockchain space. This is the first time that Fintech and Blockchain was included as part of the annual conference agenda. ChainDD’s US founding partner and COO, Catherine Li, was invited to join the blockchain related panel to share the next breakthrough in blockchain area and the advice to investors and startups. In the beginning of the panel there was also an announcement for the strategic partnership between ChainDD and TCFA FinTech & Blockchain Institute by the TCFA committee chair Linjia Zhou. The partnership aims to inspire more financial innovation through blockchain development and to nurture partnership between the US and China.

At the panel with the topic of “searching for the next breakthrough in the blockchain space” Li shared her thoughts of why blockchain will transform the financial system and significantly changes the investment landscape because blockchain and cryptocurrency provide the trust and liquidity, which are most important things in the financial system. “In the early stage of blockchain development media like ChainDD is so important to bring the transparency and basic education to people in terms of the impact that blockchain could have on their life before any wide adoption happens”, said Li. The panelist, Sheng Liu, the Chief Software Architect of Union Mobile Financial Technology, thinks the next blockchain unicorn company could come from healthcare or supply chain industry. Patrick Dai, founder and CEO of Qtum Foundation, said the next generation of block-chain companies would be layer two solution provider, the companies that can integrate blockchain with artificial intelligence, big data or financial service.

TCFA’s annual conference was concluded with the president election for 2019. There was more than one hundred core TCFA members attended the voting. This type of democratic election mechanism really makes TCFA a great platform to voice the needs for the Chinese financial professionals globally.






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