

Sep 13, 2018 小钛妹

摘要: 少数极其强大的中心化互联网公司有能力运用巨量规模的权力,将用户大量数据肆意商品化。而区块链技术,可以将权力重新放回用户手中。

上周,在参议院情报委员会听证会结束之际,权威调查机构公布的数据又给Facebook迎头一击。美国统计公司Pew Research Center对超过3,400名美国Facebook用户进行了调查,结果显示,在18到29岁的人群中,高达44%的人表示他们去年从手机中删除了该应用程序。总体而言,26%的受访者表示他们删除了应用程序,而42%的人已经“放弃使用”了几周或更长时间,54%的人调整了他们的隐私设置。

Facebook和剑桥分析公司(Cambridge Analytica)的丑闻事件渐让公众意识到,对整个社会的正常运行而言,社交媒体上强有力的数据保护规则何等重要。Facebook在过去一年的时间里,也一直在努力解决与滥用平台数据信息有关的一系列丑闻。这些丑闻也严重影响了Facebook的财务状况。该公司的股票在7月份的一天内暴跌超过20%,此前Facebook曾表示其广告费用增长放缓以及与打击虚假信息相关费用的增加。

扎克伯格在两场听证会上遇到的各类质询,也是全球互联网行业巨头所面临的质疑的缩影。针对垄断性平台使用数据方式的剥削性,区块链公司Hub的首席执行官和LinkedIn前联合创始人Eric Ly表示,“少数极其强大的集中化互联网公司正在做一些技术上让人们不理解的东西,他们有能力运用未知数量的权力努力搜集用户的大量信息并将之商品化。

为了保护用户的数据,Eric认为个人数据应该与财产一样对待。此外,他还指出数据应该是可移植的,个人有权在各种平台之间删除和移动数据。用户应该完全控制他们的个人数据是有道理的。然而,考虑到大多数社交媒体平台的集中性,这点很难实现。毕竞各大平台都在通过吸引用户注意力和分析用户行为来定点投放广告,这算是目前最 普遍也最成熟的商业模式。他还指出:















Eric Ly创立的Hub是一种人类信任协议,它使用区块链技术来促进互联网上可移植的用户声誉历史。换句话说,该项目侧重于用户对“声誉数据”的控制。













以下为链得得采访LinkedIn 前CTO Eric Ly实录:

Q: Why have you been paying attention to the blockchain technology applied in social field and trying to build trust protocols?

A: Reputation and trust are the fundamental building blocks of society. Currently the best reputation product out there is LinkedIn, which I co-founded with Reid Hoffman 15 years ago.  To this date, LinkedIn still has lots of issues when it comes to the authenticity of the data, because all info are self-attested.   In a greater scale, TCP/IP protocol does not contain enough security and trust infrastructure and the internet has not done much to help users trust each other.
Q: What are the disadvantages of traditional social networks, the centralization construction?

A: There are several major disadvantages to existing structures. First are the issues related to data ownership and data privacy. Platforms make users their product in exchange for free accounts and exploit the data they have about their users. Reputation data about users is sliped in multiple databases, making it difficult for users to benefit from the value of this data. Second, related to the first issue, are the corporations that create today’s platforms. They are driven to maximize profit at the expense of their users. We haven’t reinvented the concept of the corporation since the 19th century.

Q: The public are especially concerned about entrepreneurs who come out of these well-known enterprises, which represent a direction or a good prospect. Why would you choose to quit linkedIn and start a blockchain experiment?

A: Entrepreneurs are naturally curious about new approaches and interested to try new things with the hope that they can benefit the world. LinkedIn is certainly successful, but innovation should not stop because we already have something that works.

Q: How do you think the Facebook‘s Information Leakage Incidents, how could the blockchain technology address this issue?

A: The Facebook incidents are very obvious signs of the limitations and problems of today’s Internet. They expose the problems I pointed out earlier about data ownership, data privacy, exploitation and the untruths of the information that people see. Blockchain brings the promise of a more secure foundation that can address all these problems and bring us to a better era of Internet.

Q:  What do you think about the blockchain experiment of enterprises, such as Facebook and Line(popular Japanese messaging APP)?

A: I support efforts being made by Facebook and Line and other enterprises to use blockchain because they are finding useful purposes for blockchain in various ways. There needs to be more attempts.

Q: What do you think about the new encrypted mobile social software based on blockchain technology like Telegram and Steemit?

A: In order to bring blockchain to the mainstream, there need to be massive-scale consumer products and Telegram/Steemit are interesting examples when it comes to blockchain-based social software.

Q: How do you see the social networks continuing to evolve over the next number of years?

A: Today, the Internet is fraught with fake information and insincere interactions. Bullying is a big problem too. That’s because it’s too easy for people not to be accountable for their actions online. It may sound strange, but if we do things right, we will end up with a kinder, gentler internet where more authentic interactions will happen.

Q:  How do you realize the profit model of your blockchain project?

A: The success of our project depends on the utilization of the trust network we are building. The more usage of the network there is, the more the network becomes valuable (and the more the Hub token becomes valuable). By charging small transaction fees associated whenever a transaction happens through the network, the developers of the network can be compensated.

Q:  Do you think our blockchain project can completely solve the problem of information falsification? How can we guarantee the authenticity of information on the chain?

A: There are actually many problems with today’s information systems. There is a tight connection between the ability to recognize false information and the ability to understand the trustworthiness of sources of information. While there can never be any guarantee, as a society, we can get much, much closer to ensuring the authenticity of the information we are receiving with much better reputation systems.

Q: Currently, the concept of blockchain is very popular, but there are few actual applications. What do you think about the development of blockchain in the future?

A: Clearly, blockchain technology needs significant development to support the use cases that are anticipated for the technology. However, there needs to be much more actual attempts on use cases that truly benefit from blockchain technology. These experiments should happen at the same time while fundamental blockchain technology is being improved.

Q: According to Satis Group, 90 percent of ICOs are scams. Do the blockchain applications in the social domain need the strict regulation?

A: I’m not sure if regulations are the best answer because they tend to evolve more slowly than market behavior. Instead, what we need to develop a common and transparent understanding of what constitutes a quality project over deceptive ones, such as aspects around team background, working technology and even market traction.


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    • 链deidei 链deidei


      Sep 13, 2018 via iphone

    Oh! no

