Staking 之星对话行业领袖第 7 期 |标准共识
摘要: 本次 Staking 之星对话行业领袖第 7期迎来的大咖 —— ETH2.0 核心开发团队 Prysmatic Labs
本次 Staking 之星对话行业领袖第 7期迎来的大咖 —— ETH2.0 核心开发团队 Prysmatic Labs 的联合创始人 Raul Jordan、核心开发工程师 Ivan Martinez
Staking 之星对话行业领袖活动的目的是希望通过区块链行业内不同角色,不同位置的大佬能够从不同的角度给大家带来思考。
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李自鹏:大家好,先给大家简单介绍下 Prysmatic Labs 团队,该团队是 ETH 2.0 开发者团队之一,也是当前唯一完整的 ETH2.0 主网配置网测试网 Topaz 的开发团队。
Prysmatic Labs 成立于 2018 年 1 月,是初始以太坊基金会受益人,致力于帮助以太坊区块链实现可扩展性,为以太坊区块链上有价值的 DApps、智能合约提供支持。负责开发 Prysm,它是 Ethereum 2.0 的全功能分片客户端,采用 Golang 语言,可提高事务处理速度。Prysmatic Labs 的团队成员拥有分布式系统到云计算的各种背景,强调用测试驱动的方法,实现系统的首个分片客户端。
此次嘉宾分别为 Prysmatic Labs 的联合创始人 Raul Jordan、核心开发工程师 Ivan Martinez。
Raul Jordan,毕业于哈佛大学,曾在哈佛大学担任软件工程师,并创办过 Kynplex、Gen EX 等企业;Preston Van Loon,联合创始人,毕业于美国中田纳西州立大学计算机专业,曾在 Google 担任软件工程师。
Ivan Martinez,拥有 3 年多的软件开发经验,全栈 Web3 开发者,以太坊开发者,此前曾在 AuroraDAO (IDEX) 工作。
嘉宾分享 Rual Jordan
Hello everyone, it's a pleasure to be here! My teammate Ivan Martinez is also here and we are excited to share with you all what we are doing at Prysmatic Labs.
We have been working on ETH2.0 for a while now and we are very close towards the main-net release of ETH 2.0.
We are a team of 7 software engineers from all over the world. We started this project because Ethereum is an open community that allows anyone to contribute.
Our backgrounds are in professional software engineering, and we believe that Ethereum was missing more of a professional, industry standard approach towards its technology.
Our team has a really fun origin story. Back in early 2018, I posted in several social media platforms and Github looking for people who wanted to contribute to a project on scaling Ethereum.
Many of the current team were there since the first day, and I sent out an email to everyone who was interested in getting involved:
Within 24 hours, I flew to New York to meet my co-founder, Preston Van Loon, who was an engineer at Google NYC. Then, we started working on Ethereum scalability.
Originally, our project was working on a scalability specification created by Vitalik for a way to scale a blockchain called sharding, or in Chinese:分片.
We started off by volunteering our nights and weekends to work on ETH, and eventually were noticed by the Ethereum foundation.They gave us a grant of $100,000 to get started on the project.
Soon, there were 8 teams working on ETH 2.0. We all met in Japan to work together on a plan for scaling Ethereum.
After that event, our team became more united and we started working on it even more. Our teammate Ivan Martinez joined us along the way, and now we have 7 software engineers working at Prysmatic Labs.
Ethereum 2.0 is a new blockchain that is a complete upgrade to Ethereum, including Proof of Stake, and Sharding as ways of scaling and securing the chain.
As pictured above, the way to scale is through smaller chains we call "shards" which helps you run transactions in parallel. So instead of only 7-15 transactions per second, we might be able to do tens of thousands (10,000 TPS) or more.
Our implementation of Ethereum 2.0 is an open source project, available fully on Github here: have over 70 contributors, and have been pushing code for almost 2 years.
Our code is written in Go, a popular programming language created by Google, which runs most of the cloud. It can be more than 10,000 eventually.
You can read more about the changes Ethereum 2.0 has besides sharding and staking here:
A community member translated it into chinese as well: We pick Go because it is an excellent language for blockchains. The current Ethereum blockchain is mostly written in Go as well.
Here is our road so far. Since early 2018, we released a proof of concept of our plan to scale Ethereum. On January 2020, we released a large scale test network called the Sapphire testnet for ETH 2.0.
We had significant traction and many people joining the testnet to experience proof of stake for Ethereum.
Currently, the Ethereum Foundation, where Vitalik Buterin works, is behind the key research behind Ethereum 2.0.There is an official specification for ETH 2.0 created by them hosted on Github here:
These are the "blueprints" for Ethereum 2.0, and our team takes these ideas and turns them into code:
Every week, we work with Vitalik and the Ethereum researchers and implement their ideas.
On January 9, 2020, we launched the first public testnet of 2020 for Ethereum 2.0, receiving a lot of support from the community.
Here are some of the metrics of our testnet. We had over 52,000 validators participating in the blockchain, and it was an excellent experience for our team.
Overall, the road to ETH 2.0 has been great. The launch is coming later this year, and soon we will have proof of stake available for everyone.
For now, I will let my teammate Ivan Martinez introduce himself and share a presentation on our current progress, our latest testnets, and the plans for the future.
嘉宾分享 Ivan Martinez
I'm going to go over how you can get involved with our test network, and everything we provide as an implementation.
This is Vitalik tweeting about how a validator one our testnet received a 1% return on investment on his testnet ETH.
We offer several tools for monitoring your validator software, such as prometheus metrics which can let you use dashboards such as Grafana for monitoring your validator client and beacon node.
You can find instructions on how to setup grafana for yourself here:
A "beacon node" is what an ETH 2.0 full node is called. Anyone can run one at home.
For those who don't know, a beacon node client is similar to an Ethereum node today, your validator client would need to connect to a beacon node in order to perform its staking roles.
After the presentation we invite you to join our Discord server and be a part of our test network, we have clear instructions for Windows, Mac, and Linux here:
Our testnet has over 40,000 validators, and we control less than 40% of the network, all other validators are out of our control
That means we have a lot of community engagement, sometimes more than "Ethereum competitors", even though our project is just a testnet!
We have a fantastic documentation portal for anyone who is interested, offers various instructions on everything possible with Prysm and more.
Link here:
And for anyone who has questions, we have a FAQ that answers a lot of the common questions we get, we invite you to read through it if you wish to understand more about our test network.
On top of community engagement on the Topaz test network, we have had several third party tools and block explorers built for the network.
This shows the 2 current beacon chain block explorers, one from etherscan: and one from BitFly:
Using these block explorers, you can view multiple charts and graphs on the status of the Ethereum 2.0 network.
There has also been an excellent dashboard at used to display existing nodes in the network and different information about them, such as peer count, the latest slot they are at, and how much memory the software is using.
These tools have made use of our public APIs, which you can find documentation for here:
For the future, we have various goals of our own, and of the Ethereum 2.0 effort in general.
All implementation teams are focusing on getting a multiclient test network set up, meaning that all the software from different teams can connect to each other and operate all on the same network.
There have been early testing efforts for this with the Witti test network, which you can view the block explorer for here:
After the multiclient test network has been running for a suitable length of time with no issues, the next goal will be to launch Phase 0 in the Ethereum mainnet.
If you'd like to lean more, here are a few resources to get up to date and learn more about Ethereum 2.0.We post updates every 2 weeks on our medium blog:
李自鹏: When do you think the beacon chain main-net will release? Will it be the end of July or Aug? ETH2.0 第一阶段是什么时候上线呢?会是 7 月或者 8月底吗?
Rual: 基於目前的進度,估計是在八月底。Estimating an effort like this is very difficult, 8 teams all cooperating haha, but every day there is great progress!! 除了我們的團隊,還有七個團隊在做開發。我們需要至少三個團隊同时準備好,才可以上線。
Ivan:Estimating an effort like this is very difficult, 8 teams all cooperating haha, but every day there is great progress!
李自鹏: What future will be for the assets which are already built in ETH 1 when ETH 2 are launched? Are there any transfer bridges for these DeFi asstes?
当 ETH 2.0上线后,基于 ETH1.0 PoW 链上的 DeFi 资产怎么办呢?会同步到 Beacon Chain 上吗?
Ivan:For Ethereum 2.0 phase 0, Eth1.0 will not be changed at all. However, once phase 1 is complete for Ethereum 2.0, the plan is to migrate Ethereum 1.0 into a shard of Ethereum 2.0.
The goal is for it to be seamless, and for existing dapps to be uninterrupted.
It is one of the main priorities to make the change from Eth1.0 seamless
Yeah, we love ethereum, it would be horrible if it were interrupted in anyway.
Raul: Good question. So the transfer of ETH1 to ETH2 will not happen at launch, but will happen later on. There are 3 phases to ETH 2.0. First, proof of stake. Second, sharding, Third, smart contracts.
Users will not have to worry about how to transfer their accounts.
It will be seamless for them after the second phase of ETH 2.0.
If users have to worry about this problem, that would be a bad thing.
So if you currently have ETH, you don't need to do anything.
In the future, you will have that same amount of ETH in ETH2. The value of ETH comes from its community, DeFi, and projects that already exist in the blockchain. We can’t erase those or forget about them.
李自鹏: Do you have solutions of the ETH 2.0 fans who want to run multi-validator clients at the same time, if he wants to stake 320 ETH, not just 32 ETH?
ETH 持币大户如何实现多客户端质押?比如一个持有 320ETH 的用户,难道只能把当前持有的 ETH 分散 10 个持币地址,然后运行 10 个验证人客户端吗?
Ivan: For interacting with ethereum 2.0 there are 2 parts, a beacon node and a validator client.
Every validator client needs a beacon node to connect to in order to perform your roles as a validator.
But a single validator client can have thousands of validators at little cost.
Multiple validators are not expensive at all, very little additional resources needed.
Preston from our team has 2,000 validators on Raspberry Pi 4 haha.
And they just announced a Raspberry Pi 4 with 8 GB of ram, perfect for staking.
I have a question for the members here, do you plan to stake your ETH from a home setup, or use a cloud provider for staking?
Raul:目前,用戶可以在我們的 test net 上 stake 320 ETH 或者更多 只是我們的 documentation 不是很完善。在未來幾個月,我們會不斷完善 documentation.
喵叔: When we can do transfer cross shards in Phase 1 or 2, what will be the bottleneck?
Ivan: For phase 1 and 2 yes, Validating requirements would increase as well, maybe not by a lot though.
Raul: The bottleneck for cross shard transactions is mostly in the consensus protocol, it is hard to answer that over this chat, but I can help give more information if you add me and message me directly.
XiaoJay: about the Eth1 deposit to stake smart contact, is it possible to add a method of change the withdrawal public key? So we could transfer the ownership of the staking Eth when ETH2.0 Phase 1-2 not available.
Ivan: within phase 0, no, unfortunately the withdrawal key cannot be changed. With phase 1, there will be transfers added to allow better transferability of validators and eth on the beacon chain/shards.
Raul: For ETH2.0 Phase 0, unfortunately, it cannot be changed.
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