一站式平台达成 Crypto+Stock 的无缝链接 | 龙葵社区 AMA


Aug 19, 2021 链得得官方账号

摘要: 2021 年 8 月 18 日,CFL365 团队做客龙葵社区,今天和我们大家一起分享的嘉宾是 CFL365 COO 兼联合创始人 Mohammed Abbas Kazmi。

2021 年 8 月 18 日,CFL365 团队做客龙葵社区,今天和我们大家一起分享的嘉宾是 CFL365 COO 兼联合创始人 Mohammed Abbas Kazmi,主题是:CFL365.Finance:一站式平台达成 Crypto+Stock 的无缝链接。

以下是本次 AMA 直播内容:

大家好,我是龙葵社区的 CMO 喵喵,很高兴能来到这里~
Hello everyone, I am MiaoMiao, the CMO of the Sunrise Dragon Community, Glad to be here!

The Sunrise Dragon Community is a comprehensive crypto community from China, and we are also one of the largest crypto communities in China.

在 CFL365 的 IDO 结束之后,很多中国的用户都对这个神秘的项目非常感兴趣,所以应邀我们来到这边 AMA, 并致力于将 CFL365 展现给更多的加密用户
After the IDO of CFL365 ended, many Chinese users were very interested in this mysterious project, so we were invited to come to the AMA here, and we are committed to showing CFL365 to more crypto users.

首先感谢 Mohammed Abbas Kazmi 先生抽出时间来参与我们的 AMA
First of all, thank you Mr. Mohammed Abbas Kazmi for taking the time to participate in our AMA.

除了在电报群直播之外,我们的 AMA 还会在不同的微信社区转播,让更多的用户了解 CFL365
In addition to live broadcasts in the Telegram group, our AMA will also be broadcast in different WeChat communities to let more users know about CFL365

接下来开始我们的话题 !
Next let us start our topic!

Q1: Can you tell us about you and your team, what prompted you to create the CFL365.Finance project?
Q1:您能告诉我们关于您和您的团队,是什么促使您创建 CFL365.Finance 项目?

I am Mohammed Abbas Kazmi, the COO and Co-Founder of CFL365 Finance. I am deeply passionate about Decentralized Finance and Blockchain Technology and believe that our world in the coming decade is going to be driven by Blockchain Technology and its various applications. I have worked at Crypto APIs and as a part of a DeFi / NFT Accelerator, I have worked with more than 15+ CeFi, DeFi and NFT projects worldwide.

Most of my team comes from a Crypto Trading Background and we wanted to trade across stocks and crypto assets on a single platform. Due to high regulations and KYC requirements we were restricted in part due to geographical limitations, hence the Idea of CFL 365 Finance came up.
我是 Mohammed Abbas Kazmi,
CFL365 Finance 的首席运营官和联合创始人。我对去中心化金融和区块链技术充满热情,相信未来十年我们的世界将由区块链技术及其各种应用驱动。我曾在 Crypto APIs 工作,作为 DeFi / NFT Accelerator 的一部分,我在全球范围内与超过 15 个 CeFi、DeFi 和 NFT 项目合作。我的大部分团队都有加密交易背景,我们希望在一个平台上进行股票和加密资产的交易。由于严格的法规和 KYC 要求,我们受到地域限制的部分限制,因此 CFL 365 Finance 的想法出现了。

Q2: CFL365.Finance is positioned as the world's first hybrid(stock and cryptocurrency) virtual market. Can you tell us about CFL365.Finance and the key problems it solves?
Q2:CFL365.Finance 定位为全球首个混合(股票和加密货币)虚拟市场。 能否介绍一下 CFL365.Finance 及其解决的关键问题?

CFL Stands for Crypto Fantasy League and 365 signifies the number of days in a year.

Unlike Traditional Finance which is active only 5 days a week, Crypto Ecosystem is active 24/7 throughout the year and hence the number 365.

CFL365.Finance is Decentralized Virtual Marketplace for Stocks and Crypto Trading, where users will be able to participate in skill based trading contests by paying with $CFL365 tokens. In simple words it is a Trade Gaming Application.

Once the users enter the contests with $CFL365 Tokens, they would get Virtual League Balances which they could use to build their Virtual Portfolio (crypto and stocks) and depending on these portfolio gains and rankings they would be distributed with the rewards at the end of the contest!

The users potentially can multiply their Tokens upto 50x* depending upon the Size of the Leagues they participate in.

CFL 代表加密幻想联盟,365 表示一年中的天数。

与每周仅活跃 5 天的传统金融不同,加密生态系统全年 24/7 活跃,因此数量为 365。

CFL365.Finance 是一个去中心化的股票和加密交易虚拟市场,用户可以通过支付 CFL365 代币来参加基于技能的交易竞赛。 简单来说,它是一个交易游戏应用程序。

一旦用户使用 $CFL365 代币参加比赛,他们将获得虚拟联盟余额,他们可以用它来建立他们的虚拟投资组合(加密和股票),并根据这些投资组合收益和排名,他们将在结束时分配比赛奖励!

根据他们参与的联赛的规模,用户可能可以将他们的代币乘以 50 倍。

Q3: Can you give a detailed introduction to your token economy and what are the usage scenarios of the $CFL token?
Q3:能否详细介绍一下你们的通证经济,以及 $CFL 通证的使用场景是什么?

Regarding the CFL 365 Tokenomics, we have distributed the majority of the tokens in such a manner that our community and our users are incentivized and rewarded for participation in the different leagues on our platform, thereby incentivizing them to actively engage on our platform.
关于 CFL 365 Tokenomics,


We have allocated a certain portion for pre-sale for early stage backers and investors and advisors. The Tokens allocated to the team have a lock in period of 12 months after which there is a vesting period.
Exchange Listings and DeFi partnerships are an important aspect behind the success of any project and we have allocated a certain portion in that regard as well.

我们已经为早期支持者、投资者和顾问分配了一部分用于预售。 分配给团队的代币有 12 个月的锁定期,之后有一个归属期。
交易所上市和 DeFi 合作伙伴关系是任何项目成功背后的重要方面,我们也在这方面分配了一定的份额。

And lastly, a portion of the Tokens have been allocated for the Reserves and for the future product development that will be incongruent with the community feedback that we will be receiving via the DAO mechanism on our platform once it goes live in the coming quarters.

最后,一部分代币已分配给储备和未来的产品开发,这将与我们将在未来几个季度上线后通过我们平台上的 DAO 机制来收到社区的反馈。

As mentioned in our token utilities below:
· Game Mining
· Referral Mining
· Staking
· Governance
· NFTfying of the tokens

• 游戏挖矿
• 推荐挖掘
• 质押
• 治理
• 代币的 NFTfying

We plan on giving back to the community as much as possible via partnerships. We have been glad to partner up with quite a few famous DeFi gaming and trading projects in the Ecosystem.Additionally, we have the concept of NFTfying the tokens. This basically gives users an opportunity to wrap their token holdings into a NFT that they can use to purchase collectibles from our partner platforms. This NFT created will have similar utilities as the $CFL365 token itself on the platform.

我们计划通过合作伙伴关系尽可能多地回馈社区。 我们很高兴与生态系统中不少著名的 DeFi 游戏和交易项目合作。此外,我们有 NFTfying 代币的概念。 这基本上让用户有机会将他们持有的代币打包成 NFT,他们可以用它从我们的合作伙伴平台购买收藏品。 创建的这个 NFT 将具有与平台上的 $CFL365 代币本身类似的实用程序。

The markets that we majorly are focussing on is towards both Crypto and Stock communities worldwide.


Q4: You mentioned that CFL365 is planned to be deployed onPolygon. Can you share with us why Polygon is the choice compared to many otherEcosystems?
Q4:您提到 CFL365 计划在 Polygon 上部署。 您能否与我们分享与许多其他生态系统相比,为什么选择 Polygon?

We will be offering our Token Holders to migrate to Polygon Network due to the high gas fees and network congestion that users face in the Ethereum Protocol. Polygon Network with its no/low gas fees is the undisputed choice for any project if it is looking ease the burden of the gas fees from its users, hence we are planning to deploy on Polygon Network in the coming days.

由于用户在以太坊协议中面临高昂的汽油费和网络拥堵,我们将让我们的代币持有者迁移到 Polygon 网络。 如果希望减轻用户的 gas 费用负担,Polygon Network 的无 / 低 gas 费是任何项目无可争议的选择,因此我们计划在未来几天在 Polygon Network 上部署。

Q5: CFL365.Finance has recently joined many excellentpartners. Can you share with us how the partnership will enhance thecapabilities of the project, and what types of partners can CFL365.Finance* cooperate with?
Q5:CFL365.Finance 最近加入了很多优秀的合作伙伴。 能否与我们分享一下合作将如何提升项目的能力,CFL365.Finance 可以与哪些类型的合作伙伴合作?

At CFL 365 Finance, we are looking for long term partnerships to make our vision of bringing DeFi and Trading to the masses a reality. We are taking a multi-pronged approach and have onboarded quite a few partners in different segments of our project. Instead of the Token Burn model, we are converting our tokens into NFT rare collectibles, for this we have partnered up with FOMO Labs that will be providing our users with NFTs at regular intervals. We have also partnered up with a few educational institutions to appoint student ambassadors for our project who will be promoting CFL 365 Finance across their campuses as well. For staking, yield farming and High APYs, we are partnered up with Polkabridge, Defi Wizard, DODO and BSC station and other platforms that will encourage our token holders with extra incentives as well.

在 CFL 365 Finance,我们正在寻找长期合作伙伴关系,以使我们将 DeFi 和交易带给大众的愿景成为现实。 我们正在采取多管齐下的方法,并在我们项目的不同部分招募了相当多的合作伙伴。 我们将代币转换为 NFT 稀有收藏品,而不是 Token 燃烧模型,为此我们与 FOMO Labs 合作,该实验室将定期为我们的用户提供 NFT。 我们还与一些教育机构合作,为我们的项目任命学生大使,他们也将在他们的校园内推广 CFL 365 Finance。 在 质押、收益耕作和 高 APY 方面,我们与 Polkabridge、Defi Wizard、DODO 和 BSC 站等平台合作,这些平台也将为我们的代币持有者提供额外奖励。

Q6: Now that CFL has launched a lot of DEX, will it haveplans to launch CEX next?
Q6:现在 CFL 已经上线了很多 DEX,接下来会不会有上线 CEX 的计划?

We had a successful launch across different Dexs and are soon going to launch on Cexs to fulfill the demands of our users. We are looking forward to launching on those centralized exchanges that have the maximum traction and daily volume in order to have an ideal spread, liquidity and demand for our token. We will be sharing the Centralized exchange listing via our official social channels on Telegram, Twitter and other platforms.

我们在不同的 Dexs 上成功发布,并且很快将在 Cexs 上发布以满足我们用户的需求。 我们期待在那些具有最大牵引力和每日交易量的中心化交易所推出,以便为我们的代币提供理想的点差、流动性和需求。 我们将通过 Telegram、Twitter 和其他平台上的官方社交渠道分享集中式交易所列表。

Q7: Recently, Defi's hacking incidents have occurred frequently, how does CFL365 guarantee the security of the product?
Q7:近期 Defi 黑客事件频发,CFL365 如何保障产品安全?

Users are what is the lifeline of every project and their funds, security and data privacy is a top priority for us. Our development team consists of people who have worked on Smart Contract / Blockchain solutions for some of the world’s leading institutions such as JP Morgan Chase, IBM, EY etc.

In fact, we take every possible step to ensure security so that there are no loopholes in our apps and smart contracts and are safe from any malicious attacks. In addition, our smart contracts have been audited by some of the benchmark agencies of the blockchain space and will test our system periodically for any loop holes such as rugpulls, and other malicious features.

用户是每个项目的生命线,他们的资金、安全和数据隐私是我们的重中之重。 我们的开发团队由曾为摩根大通、IBM、安永等一些世界领先机构开发智能合约 / 区块链解决方案的人员组成。

事实上,我们采取一切可能的措施来确保安全,以便我们的应用程序和智能合约中没有漏洞,并免受任何恶意攻击。 此外,我们的智能合约已经过区块链领域的一些基准机构的审计,并将定期测试我们的系统是否存在任何漏洞,例如 rugpulls 和其他恶意功能。

Q8: NFT and GameFi are hot spots in the current market. Will CFL365 be related to these hot spots?
Q8:NFT 和 GameFi 是当前市场的热点。 CFL365 会不会和这些热点有关?

CFL365 in its essence is a Trade Gaming Platform where we have Gamified the whole Trading experience so that young and new users can learn, simulate and earn simultaneously by hedging ther risks for better understanding about the trading fundamentals.

CFL365 本质上是一个交易游戏平台,我们将整个交易体验游戏化,以便年轻和新用户可以通过对冲风险来同时学习、模拟和获利,从而更好地了解交易基本面。

We have been glad to partner up with quite a few famous DeFi gaming and trading projects in the Ecosystem.Additionally, we have the concept of NFTfying the tokens. This basically gives users an opportunity to wrap their token holdings into a NFT that they can use to purchase collectibles from our partner platforms. This NFT created will have similar utilities as the $CFL365 token itself on the platform.

我们很高兴与生态系统中不少著名的 DeFi 游戏和交易项目合作。此外,我们有 NFTfying 代币的概念。 这基本上让用户有机会将他们持有的代币打包成 NFT,他们可以用它从我们的合作伙伴平台购买收藏品。 创建的这个 NFT 将具有与平台上的 $CFL365 代币本身类似的实用程序。

Moving forward, we will be having a lot of elements in our ecosystem that will be covering both the NFT and the GameFi platforms in the DeFi Ecosystem.

展望未来,我们的生态系统中将有很多元素,这些元素将涵盖 DeFi 生态系统中的 NFT 和 GameFi 平台。

Q9: Finally, please tell us CFL365's expectations and views on the Chinese market
Q9:最后请谈谈 CFL365 对中国市场的期待和看法

China undoubtedly has an important role to play in the Blockchain Ecosystem, right from the beginning of Mining Farms to creating one of the largest crypto ecosystem in the world with huge numbers in terms of users, early adopters, innovators, traders and investors, China and Chinese community has indeed played a defining role in shaping up the ecosystem that we know of today.

With the continued vigor, participation and support, we are stepping into the next decade of DeFi and NFT Ecosystem and are looking forward to forge this journey together.

中国无疑在区块链生态系统中扮演着重要的角色,从 Mining Farms 开始,到创建世界上最大的加密生态系统之一,在用户、早期采用者、创新者、贸易商和投资者方面,中国社区确实在塑造我们今天所知的生态系统方面发挥了决定性作用。

在持续的活力、参与和支持下,我们正步入 DeFi 和 NFT 生态系统的下一个十年,并期待共同开创这一旅程。

It was a pleasure being a part of this AMA Session answering some of the most pressing questions of the Chinese Community, in fact we would suggest everyone to follow us on our following social links for key project updates as well:

• Twitter https://twitter.com/cfl365_finance
• Telegram https://t.me/cfl365finance
• LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/cfl365-finance
• Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/CFL365

Thank You and have a good day !

很高兴参加本次 AMA 会议,回答中国社区的一些最紧迫的问题,事实上,我们建议每个人也关注我们的以下社交链接以获取关键项目更新:

• 推特 https://twitter.com/cfl365_finance
• 电报 https://t.me/cfl365finance
• LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/cfl365-finance
• Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/CFL365

谢谢大家的热情参与!希望 CFL365 接下来表现的更出色!
Thank you all for your enthusiastic participation! I hope CFL365 will perform even better in the future!

以上便是本次 AMA 的所有内容,如果你还有任何其他疑惑和见解,欢迎加入我们的社群,同时感谢以下各大媒体们的大力支持。

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